Showing posts with label april showers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label april showers. Show all posts

Monday, April 9, 2012

Hall Display-April

At the beginning of each month, I try to do something poetic or artsy to hang in the hallway. Just coming off Spring Break, I wanted to go easy peasy today, so I taught the phrase, "April Showers Bring May Flowers." I was surprised by how many students said they hadn't heard this phrase, but it was perfect! We had some great discussion about Springtime. Today just so happens to be a really beautiful sun-shiny day and we don't get a lot of rain, so I was thrilled with the kids using Active Thinking Strategies to talk find out more… many questions and connections. Turned into a great simple activity seizing a teachable moment. LOVE those!!

I love your feedback!
Have a great day!